
I still feel like I have nothing to say... but here goes anyway. :)

I'm grateful for what I have, but sometimes I still feel like I have too much. An easy answer to this might be, well, get rid of some stuff. But when it's the place that I live that feels like too much, it's not really that easy. Having space in our apartments has been good for when people come to stay and when we had small groups here and Clara's birthday party, but for the most part, I just feel like it's not necessary. Not bad maybe, just not necessary.

Today was one of those days - Nancy came over, this time with her mom and her little brother. She was telling them, "Their kitchen is big, their rooms are big..." and her mom responded, "It is very nice." And I feel like I have too much.

I'm not saying that I need to live in poverty in order to be a Christian or anything, I'm just saying that if I really don't feel that something is necessary, and I'm living better than a lot of people around me, maybe that means I should be living differently.

We'll be moving most likely in August. I really like our apartment, but part of me is still looking forward to this.

I think that's it for now. We've started a small group for our area again, this time at the boys' apartment. So I'm off!


Hey blog, It's been awhile.

So today I was sick, cold-type stuff that I hope doesn't turn into sinus infection-type stuff.

Anyway, I've been having a hard time lately for lots of reasons that I really don't feel like typing. I'll just say that sometimes when the people you pour your life into are discouraged, it's hard not to become discouraged yourself. But yesterday things took a turn for the better in my perspective. Hope is always a good thing, like I always say. One thing that was oddly encouraging today was reading my journal from the beginning of my time here. I haven't been so good at journaling lately but before I did at least semi-frequently. Anyway, it was cool to see different things I had been learning in the Bible during those times and different things that were really hard, that maybe aren't so hard anymore. Nice to see progress and to be reminded of good things.

I loved having all the AIMers here recently, plus all the Lubbock people and several classmates and AIMers from '06. All in all there were almost 100 people visiting Mexico City - beautiful chaos. I think my favorite parts were chatting with Ginger and Lily and singing with everyone. It was crazy when, after the majority of the group went home, we still had 10 girls staying in our apartment altogether, and the guys had 6 in theirs. I especially liked seeing the Honduras girls from my class (I miss them!) and getting to know the guys who went to Peru in the class before mine.

Tonight I'm going to hang out with Tara Linn, my friend who went to Japan in the '03 AIM class with other good friends like Daniel Lee. Anyway, she just moved here when the AIMers came and it's been really good to spend time with her. She's going through some hard culture shock, just knowing how to be safe but not paranoid, and the language barrier is discouraging. But she'll make it, I'm sure, just like we all have. :)

Ok I think that's it for now. I think I'm going to try to get on this thing more, after being inspired from reading my journal today. We'll see.